The Showsystem in Norway


Året som har gått har gitt oss både gleder og sorger - slik er livet.

Vi har fått nye venner og bekjentskaper rundt om i verden, og det setter vi stor pris på.

Mye tyder på at Tapre Trultemor og Ola Odelsgutt blir mestvinnende bernere i Norge 2007. De gjorde det begge utrolig bra på rasespesialen arrangert av NBSK på Geilo. Ola ble BIR 22måneder gammel, og hans halvsøster Trulte endte opp som andre beste tispe bare 12måneder gammel.

Året fikk en trist slutt da vi mistet både Dino, Gossine og Tinka i løpet av kort tid. Disse hundene vil bli dypt savnet, og de etterlater seg dype spor! Jeg vil takke alle dere som har uttrykt medfølelse i sorgen.



Gro m/Trulte og Ola

The last year has given us a lot of happines, and some sad moments too!

It seems to be Tapre Trultemor and her halfbrother Ola Odelsgutt that turn out to be the most winning BMDs in Norway 2007. They both did very well at the Club Speciality in May. Ola became BOB (22mnths old) and Trulte was No.2 Best Female (12mnths old). What a pleasent suprise!

2007 ended with big sorrows when we lost Dino, Gossine and Tinka in a few days. They will be deeply missed, and they will always be in our hearts and in our memories! Thank you all for your kind words!

Når man skal se tilbake på ting som har skjedd, har det det lett for å bli mye fokus på utstillinsresultater. Det er så mye annet som betyr mye mer, men allikevel er dette en del av resultatet av vårt avlsarbeid!

Dette året har Ola, Lillemor, Janita, Tola, Oda, Lulla Lunekjær og Geiko ervervet sine championattitler i inn og utland. Ola er mestvinnende(eksteriør) berner hann i Norge, i avdeling Østfold og klubbvinner 2007.

Trulte endte opp som mestvinnende(eksteriør) tispe.

Lille Frodo Lommelun mestvinnende lydighet klasse to i Østfold og på landsbasis. Han ble også klubbmester LP2.

Max Manux ble mestvinnende (eksteriør) i Nordland for tredje år på rad, og fikk dermed vandrepokalen til odel og eie.

V vil få takke alle valpekjøpere, venner og oppdrettere vi har samarbeidet med for året 2007. Uten dere hadde det ikke gått!

CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss

Mostwinning BMD male in Norway 2007

Tapre Trultemoe av Hiselfoss

Mostwinning BMD female in Norway 2007

When we are looking back to what have happened through the year, we often give a lot of focus at showresults. Living with dogs and breed them are a lot more, but these results are a part of our breeding program.

In 2007 Ola, Lillemor, Janita, Tola, Oda, Lulle Lunekjær and Geiko got their champion titles - in and outside Norway. Ola is the mostwinning BMD male in Norway and the mostwinning BMD in Østfold. He also became Clubwinner 2007.

Trulte is the mostwinning BMD female in Norway.

Lille Frodo Lommelun is the mostwinning in obedience class2 in Norway and Østfold. He also became Clubwinner 2007.

Max Manus is the mostwinning BMD in Nordland for the third time, and got the trofee forever!

We want to thank you all - our puppybuyers, friends and co-breeders. We could not have done all this without your help!

December 30th.

National Dogshow, N

Dommer: Gøran Bodegård, S


BIR Tumle Bompibjørn - BIM Xkumle X-faktorer av Hiselfoss

Tumle ble senere BIG2 for dommer Arne Foss, N


Lord Legolas 1-1AK / no.1 open class

Risør Ruggen 1-3, hp/ no.3 intermediate class, prize of honour

Rikke Rimtusse 1-2AUKK, ck / no.3 intermediate class, CACres

December 29th.

National Dogshow, N


Dommer: Gunilla Skallman

BIR Tumle Bompibjørn - BIM Xkumle X-faktorer av Hiselfoss

Tumle ble senere BIG1 og BIS4. Pappa Ola gratulerer så mye til begge sine barn!


Dommer: Hans Lehtinen, FIN

Lord Legolas 2BHK / No.2 Best Male

Risør Ruggen 1-2, hp/ no.2 intermediate class, prize of honour

Rikke Rimtusse 1-2AUKK / no.3 intermediate class

December 16th.


Dommer/judge: Charlotte Hõier, DK (81entries)

CH Ola Odelsgutt 3BHK / No.3 Best Male

Ragna Rekkverk 1-2AUKK, hp / no.2 intermediate class, prize of honour

December 6th.

Disco Dino er død. Han måtte gi tapt for lungekreft i altfor ung alder!

*I am sorry to tell that Disco Dino died today from lung cancer!

November 25th.

International Dogshow - NV-07, Hamar

Dommere/judges: Lisbet U.Ramsing, DK(males) & Jens Ramsing, DK(females)

BIR oppdretter/BOB breeder group

Ola, Gossine, Geiko & Kaizer

Kaizer Kompis

3BHK / No.3 Best Male

Wello Wellington

1-3JKK /no.3 best junior

Ugh Ugh'Hugo

1AUK / 1th.prize intermediate class

Risør Ruggen

1AUK / 1th.prize intermediate class

Vebjørn Viking

1-3AUKK, hp / no.3 intermediate class prize of honour

CH Ola Odelsgutt

1-3CHK, ck / no.3 champion, CACres

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun

1CHK, ck / CACres

CH Gossine Gatziana

4BTK / No.4 Best Female

Tapre Trultemor

1-4AUKK / no.4 intermediate class

Ukita Urschi

2AUK / 2nd. prize interm. class

CH Goyubara Geiko

1-4CHK, ck / no.4 champion, CACres

CH Jomfru Janita

2CHK / 2nd. prize championclass

November 9th.

National Dogshow, Kongsberg

Dommer/judge: Yvonne Cannon, IRL (16males-29females)

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun

2BHK / No.2 Best Male

Vebjørn Viking

4BHK / No.4 Best Male

Risør Ruggen

1-4AUKK / no.4 intermediate class

Prins Pondus

Ukita Urschi

1-4AUKK / no.4 intermediate class

Greta Garbo

1-3AK / no.4 open clas

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun

BIR avlsklasse m HP

BOB progeny group, prize of honour

Kenel Hiselfoss

BIR oppdretter m HP

BOB breeder, prize of honour

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun BIR avlsklasse m HP / BOB progeny group w prize of honour

Kenel Hiselfoss BIR oppdretter m HP / BOB breeder w prize of honour


November 3-4 th.

International Dogshow, DK


CH Goyubara Geiko

4BTK / No.4 Best Female

CH Ola Odelsgutt

1-3AK & CK / No.3 open class & CACres

International Dogshow, S

Dommer/judge: Seamus Oates, GB




foto: M.Lundh

BIR/BOS CH Gangsterluvan Keno Kanon - BIM/BOS CH Goyubara Geiko av Hiselfoss




CH Goyubara Geiko


CH Ola Odelsgutt

5CHK & CK / no.5 champion & CACres

CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse

2AK / 2nd prize open class

October 21th.

International Dogshow, Tromsø, N

Dommer/judge: Nina Karlsdotter, S (38entries)

CH Jomfru Janita


Jomfru Janita



CH Goyubara Geiko


No.2 Best Female, resCACIB

Vår Vilhelmina


no.3 junior

CH Max Manus 1-4chk

no.4 champion


International Dogshow, Kroatia

Dommerjudge: Igor Mioc, CRO

Wolf Wonderboy, Best Young Male, excl

October 20th.

National Dogshow, Kroatia

Dommerjudge: Guiliano Biasiolo, It

Wolf Wonderboy, Best Young Male, excl

Tromsø Hundeklubb

Dommer/judge: Hans Rosenberg, S

Vår Vilhelmina 1-2JKK

/ no.2 junior

Goyubara Geiko 1-2CHK / no.1 championclass

Max Manus 1-1CHK / no.1 championclass


October 7th.

NKK, International Dogshow, Kongsvinger

Dommer/judge: Borghild Moen, N (26males - 38females)





BOB Ber - BOS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss





CH Ola Odelsgutt BIM & CACIB / BOS & CACIB

Kaizer Kompis 1AK / 1th prise open class

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun 1-3CHK / no.3 championclass

CH Gossine Gatziana 3BTK / No.3 Best Female

Ukita Urschi 1-2AUKK, ck / no.2 intermadiate class, CACres

Tapre Trultemor 1-3AUKK, ck / no.3 intermediate class, CACres

Jomfru Janita 1-3AK, ck / no.3 open class, CACres

BIR OPPDK / BOB Breedersgroup

September 30th

Norsk Dalmatiner Klubb, Letohallen

Dommer: Wera Hubenthal, N (15males - 17females)



BIR/BOB Vebjørn Viking - BIM/BOS CH Rammedalens Angela Von Hamp




Vebjørn Viking BIR & cert / BOB & CAC

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun 2BHK / No.2 Best Male

Risør Ruggen 2AUK / 2nd Prize intermediate class

Tapre Trultemor 3BTK / No.3 Best Female

September 29th

National Dogshow, Bergen

Dommer/judge: Aren Foss, N

Wello Wellington 1-1JKK / no.1 junior

CH Muntre Mathilde 1-3CHK / no.3 champion

September 23th.

International Dogshow Åland, FIN

Dommer/judge: Leni Finne, FIN

N S FIN NORDuch Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss


CH Ola Odelsgutt 2BHK, cert, CACIB & CHAMPION /No.2 Best Male, CAC, CACIB & CHAMPION

CH Goyubare Geiko 2BTK, resCACIB / No.2 Best Female, CACIBres

September 8.-9th.

NNK avd.Rogaland

Dommer/judge: Miklos Levente, H (21males - 32females)

BIR/BOB Vebjørn Viking - BIM/BOS CH Muntre Mathilde



BIS1 CHScimo's Oye Como Va - BIS2 Vebjørn Viking

Vebjørn Viking BIR & cert / BOB & CAC

CH Ola Odelsgutt 3BHK / No.3 Best Male

Wims Whimsey 1-2JKK, HP / no.2 junior, prize of honour

Risør Ruggen 1-3AUKK / no.3 intermediate class

Muntre Mathilde BIM, cert & CHAMPION / BOS, CAC & CHAMPION

Tapre Trultemor 3BTK / No.3 Best Female

Rikke Rimtusse 1-2AUKK, HP / no.2 intermediate class, prize of honour

BIR/BOB Breedergroup

Club Show in Poland

Dommer/judge: Lubomir Licak, Slovakia

Jr.CH.Pl Tolianna Trustful


Oda O'Zandrina no.2 open class, excellent

International Dogshow, Sofiero; S

Ragna Rekkverk 1-3AUKK, ck / no.3 intermediate class, CACres

International Dogshow, Stavanger

Dommer/judge: Boo Lundstrøm, S (24males - 38females)

BIR / BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt - BIM / BOS Muntre Mathilde

CH Ola Odelgutt BIR, CACIB & BIG3 / BOB, CACIB & BIG3

Vebjørn Viking 1-2JKK, HP / no.2 junior, prize of honour

Wello Wellington 2JK / 2nd prize junior

Risør Ruggen 1-3AUKK/ no.3 intermediate class

Muntre Mathilde BIM, CERT &CACIB / BOS, CAC & CACIB

Tapre Trultemor 3BTK / No.3 Best Female

Rikke Rimtusse 1-4AUKK / no.4 intermediate class

BIR / BOB Breedergroup

National Dogshow, Warsaw

Tolianna Trustful

BOB JUNIOR & Junior Champion of Poland (Jr.Ch.Pl.)

Bilder kommer / pictures will come

September 2nd.


Lydighet / Obedience

Dommere/judges: A. Bertnsen / Svein G.Rønning

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun no.13 & 134points, class2

National Dogshow, Hundtorp

Dommer/judge: Lizbeth Liljekvist, S



Lord Legolas

2BHK & cert / NO.2 Best Male & CAC

see more


CH Goyubara Geiko BIM / BOS

Tia Tøysejente

1-2AUKK / no.2 intermediate class

National Dogshow, Bjerkvik

Dommer/judge: Kari Eng Nylen, N

CH Max Manus 2BHK & BIS avlsgruppe / No.2 Best Male & BIS producer

Vår Vilhelmina 4BTK / No.4 Best female

September 1th.

National Dogshow, Bjerkvik

Dommer/judge: Kenneth Edh, S

CH Max Manus 1-2CHK/ no.2 champion

Vår Vilhelmina 1-2JKK & HP / no.2 junior, prize of honour

Karmøy Hundeklubb


Wello Wellington  "Balder"

August 26th.

Tronheim Hundefestival

Dommer/judge: Lisbet Mach


Kaizer Kompis

2BHK m cert / No.2 Best Male, CAC

National Dogshow, ÅS

Dommer/judge: ??, FIN

Risør Ruggen 2BHK / No.2 Best Male

Rikke Rimtusse 1-1AUKK, CK / no.1 intm class CACres

August 25th.

ØSTFOLDTREFFET 2007 (speciality)

Dommer/judge. Sandra Gatward, GB (22puppies - 31 males - 31 females)

BIR/BOB Dale Gudbrand's Dee-Dee Zaam

BIM7BOS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss





BIS OPPDK / Breeder

Gossine - Geiko - Lillemor - Ola

Hanner / males

CH Ola Odelsgutt


Ugh Ugh' Hugo

2JK / 2nd prize junior

Vebjørn Viking

!-2JKK, hp / no.2 junior HP

Risør Ruggen

1-1AUKK / no.1 intm cl

Ståle Supergutt

2AUK / 2nd prize intm cl

Uff a'meg Ulrik

2AUK / 2nd prize intm cl

Lord Legolas

1AK / 1th prize open class

CH Lille Frodo Lomelun

1-4CHK / no.4 champion

Valper / puppies

Wimbo Winner nr.3, 6-9mnd

Warro Warior, upl. 6-9mnd

Waila Waldina nr.2, 6-9mnd

Lydighet / Obedience

Hugo & Stian

no.2, 163p

Urschi & TorArne

no.3 161,5p


Erik og Erlend debuterte i

Barn & Hund

Begge ble nr.2


Tisper / females

CH Goyubara Geiko

4BTK / No.4 Best Female

Tapre Trultemor

1-2JKK, ck / no.2 junior CACres

Tia Tøysejente

1JK / 1th.prize junior

Ukita Urschi

1-4JKK, hp / no.4 junior, HP

Rikke Rimtusse

1-3AUKK / no.3 intm. class

CH Gossine Gatziana

1-2CHK, ck / no.2 champion, CACres

CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse

1-4CHK, ck / no.4 champion, CACres

CH Mina Mammajente

1-6CHK, CK / no.6 champion, CACres


Trondheim Hundefestival

Dommer: ??? , Russia

Kaizer Kompis 1-4AK / no.4 open class

August 18th & 19th

2 X International Dogshows in Duodanube, Bratislava

Dommere/judges: Hans Muller (CH) & Gabriela Ridarcikova (SK)

Oda O'Zandrina (AK / open class)

BIR, 2 x cert, 2 x CACIB & Cruft kvalifisert / BOB, 2 x CAC, 2xCACIB & Cruft qualified

Tolianna Trustful (AUK / intermediate)

2 x cert & res.CACIB / 2 X CAC & res.CACIB

pictures will come

August 19th

National Dogshow, N

Dommer/judge: Owe Gjermundsson, S

Max Manus


National Dogshow, S

Dommer/judge: Svante Frisk, S

Ragna Rekkverk

1pr AUK / 1th prize young dog

Umulige Unni

1-2AUKK, ck / no.2 young dog CACres

Match show

NBSK avd.Agder

Dommer/judge: Eivor Hofmandselv, N

Risør Ruggen


August 18th

National Dogshow, Mosjøen, N

Dommer/judge: R Campell, N

Max Manus BIM / BOS

International Dogshow, S

Dommer/judge: Hans Lehtinen, Fin

Ragna Rekkverk 2AUK / 2nd prize young dog

Umulige Unni 1-3AUKK / no.3 young dog

August 12th


Wolf Wonderboy "Nord"

no.4 puppy

Judge: Hans Imhof


Tolianna Trustful

sehr gut

Oda O'Zandrina


CH Gossine Gatziana



Ikke like gode resulateter som dagen før, men slik er utstilling!

Not the same good results as yesterday, but well done anyway!

August 11th

International Dogshow, Oslo, N

Dommer/judge: Per-Erik Wallin, S (25males - 36females)









CH Ola Odelsgutt BIR & CACIB / BOB & CACIB

Kaizer Kompis 2AK / 2nd prize open class

Tapre Trultemor 1-2JKK, ck / no.2 junior, CACres

CH Goyubara Geiko 1-3CHK, ck / no.3champion, CACres

100 years celebration in Switzerland

(480 BMDs)

Wolf Wonderboy "Nord"

perspective puppy

Judge: Ingrid Werhonig

Tolianna Trustful no.4

junior class

(37entries, judge:Jelly de Jong, NL)

Oda O'Zandrina no.3

open class

(87entries, judge: Maija Ånestad, N)

CH Gossine Gatziana no.1

champion class

(33entries, judge: Maija Ånestad, N)

BIR/BOB Berntiers Front Page - BIM/BOS Emmerson vd Stockerybos

National Dogshow, Askersund, S

Dommer/judge: Gunilla Sandberg, S

Morning Joy Memory 4BTK / No.4 Best female

Umulige Unni 1-1JKK, ck / no.1 junior CACres

International Dogshow, Vejen, DK

Dommer/judge: Marja Kavcic, Slo (73BMDs)

Lord Legolas 1-3AK, ck / no.3 open class, CACres

Tia Tøysejente 2JK / 2nd.prize junior


August 4th

Speciality, Moelv, N

Dommer/judge: Johan Anderson, S (30males - 39females)

BIR/BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt - BIM/BOS CH Goyubara Geiko




CH Ola Odelsgutt BIR / BOB

Risør Ruggen

1-4AUKK / no.4 young dog

Lord Legolas

1AK / 1th prize open class

CH Goyubara Geiko BIM / BOS

Tapre Trultemor

3BTK m cert / No.3 Best Female  & CAC

Tia Tøysejente

1-4JKK / no.4 junior

Rikke Rimtusse

1-1AUKK, ck / no.1 young dog CACres

Gossine Gatziana

1-4CHK, ck / no.4 champion, CACres

Ola, Trulte, Geiko & Gossine

No.2 Breedergroup & prize of honour


August 3rd

Puppyshow, Nesbyen

Dommer/judge: Monique van bremt, Belgium







Wello Wellington "Balder"


July 29th

National Dogshow, Moss, N

Dommer/judge: Anita Alatalo, FIN (22males - 20females, 1019 dogs all breed)




N Such Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss




Ola Odelsgutt

BIR, cert, norsk & svensk CHAMPION


BOB, cac, norwegian & swedish CHAMPION


CH Lille Frodo Lommelun

2BHK / No.2 Best Male

Risør Ruggen 1-2JKK/no.2 junior

Max Manus 1-3CHK/no.3 champion


Rikke Rimtusse

BIM & cert/BOS & CAC

Tapre Trultemor

1-3JKK, hp/no.3 junior

BIR oppdretter

BOB Breeders group





BIR/BOB Ola Odelsgutt - BIM/BOS Rikke Rimtusse




July 13-14th

International Dogshow, Sweden

Dommer/judge: Ing-Marie Hagelin, S

BIR/BOB CH Lad's Henny Gibson - BIM/BOS Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss

Ola Odelsgutt BIM, cert & CACIB / BOS, CAC & CACIB

Max Manus 1-3AK / no.3 open class

CH Goyubara Geiko 4BTK / NO.4 Best Female

Mina Mammajente 1AK / 1th.prize open class

Morninh Joy Memory 1AK / 1th.prize open class

BOB Breeders Group

National Dogshow, Sweden

Dommer/judge: Charlotte Sandberg, S


BIR/BOB Ola Odelsgutt - BIM/BOS CH Goyubara Geiko

Ola Odelsgutt

BIR cert BIG 3 / BOB CAC BIG 3

Max Manus

2nd prize open class

CH Goyubara Geiko


Mina Mammajente

1AK, ck / 1th prize open class CACres

Morning Joy Memory

1-3AK, ck / no.3 open class CACres

BOB Breeders Group



July 7th


Dommer/judge: Karl Reisinger, Austria

Tolianna Trustful no.3 junior

Oda O'Zandrina no.1 intermediate class & PL CAC

June 30th / July 1th


Dommer/judge: M.Klock't-Hart

Shoeless Sasquatch No.2 junior & excl

National Dog Show, PL

Dommer/judge: ?

Tobias Talisman No.2 junior & excl


Dommer/judge: P.Ponduschka-Aigner, Austria

Vakre Vene Vanda 1JKK, ck/no.1 junior excl

National Dogshow, FIN

Dommer/judge: Teija Salmi-Aalti, FIN

Vakre Vene Vanda 3BTK / No.3 Best Female


June 24th


Trondheim, N

Dommer/judge: Ritva Rita, FIN (26males - 44females)

BIR/BOB Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS CH Blanchneige av LeeArmand

Ola Odelsgutt BIR, cert, CACIB & BIG3 / BOB, CAC, CACIB & BIG 3

Kaizer Kompis 4BHK / No.4 Best Male

Risør Ruggen 1-4JKK / no.4 junior

Lord Legolas 1-4AK / no.4 open class

CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse 3BTK & res.CACIB / No.3 Best Female & res.CACIB

Tapre Trultemor 4BTK & cert / No.4 Best Female & CAC

Tia Tøysejente 2JK / 2nd.prize juniorclass

Enslige Evelina 1pr.CHK / 1th.prize championclass

Gossine Gatziana 1-3CHK & CK / no.3 champion & CACres

BIR oppdretter / BOB Breeder (Trulte, Lillemor, Ola & Kaizer)

Krakow, PL

Dommer/judge: Ronald H.Menaker, USA

Tolianna Trustful BIR junior & juniorCERT / BOBjunior & junCAC

Oda O'Zandrina Nr.2, cert & resCACIB / No.2 CAC & resCACIB


June 23th


Dommer/judge: Kornelia Butrimova, Lithuania

Vakre Vena Vanda Beste junior & junior cert/ Best junior & junCAC

Speciality, Trondheim

Dommer/judge: Stenner, Virginia, GB (38males-61females)

BIR & cert Kaizer Kompis / BIM "mamma" Enslige Evelina

BOB & CAC Kaizer Kompis / BOS "mum" Enslige Evelina






Ola Odelsgutt 1-2AUKK, ck / no.2 young dog, CACres

Risør Ruggen 2JK / 2nd. prize juniorclass

Lord Legolas 2AK / 2nd.prize open class

CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse 1-4CHK, ck / no.4 champion, CACres

Gossine Gatziana 1pr CHK / 1th.prize champion

Tapre Trultemor 1-4JKK, hp / no.4 junior, prize of honour

Tia Tøysejente 2JK / 2nd.prize junior

BIR oppdretterklasse / BOB Breeder class

Lillemor, Ola, Kaizer & Lina

"En god latter forlenger livet!"

June 17th

National Dogshows, N


Domer/judge: Maija Ånestad, N

Kaizer Kompis BIm & cert / BOS & CAC

Lord Legolas 3BHK / No.3 Best Male

Tia Tøysejente 1-4JKK / no.4 junior class



Dommer/judge: Freddy Klindrup, DK

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun 3BHK

*No.3 Best Male

Ukita Urschi 1-1hp

*no.1 junior prize of honour



Dommer/judge: Rajko Rotner, SLO

CH Max Manus 1-2CHKK

*no.2 champion class

June 16th


Dommer/judge: Marija Kavcic, SLO

Kaizer Kompis 1-3AK / no.3 open class

Lord legolas 1-4AK / no.4 open class

Tia Tøysejente 2JK / 2nd. prize junior


Dommer/judge: Eva Eriksson, S

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun 2BHK

* No.2 Best Male

Ukita Urschi 3BTK

*No.3 Best Female


Dommer/judge: Anne Marie Thomassen, S

Max Manus 2BHK

*No.2 Best Male

June 9th - 10th.

National Dogshow, FIN

Dommer/judge: Satu Yla-Mononen, FIN

Vakre  Vene Vanda 2BTK m cert / No.2 Best Female & CAC


2xNational Dogshows, Norway

Dommere/judges: August de Vilde & Brenda Banbury

CH Max Manus 2x2BHK / 2xNo.2 Best Male

Vår Vilhelmina 1x2pr & 1x2BTK / 1x2nd prize & 1xNo.2 Best Female

Yanabo's Caspar Casanova - pappa til V-kullet- tok 2xcert  og ble dremed norsk utstillingschampion

*Yanabo's Caspar Casanova - daddy to our V-litter - recieved 2xCACs and became Norwegian Champion

June 2nd - 3th.

International DogShow, Drammen,N

Dommer/judge: Eva Borg, S (21males - 35females)


BIR / BOB Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM / BOB CH Bernerdalens Santa Fe

Ola Odelsgutt BIR, cert, CACIB & BIG2 / BOB, CAC, CACIB & BIG2

Kaizer KOmpis 1-3AK, ck / no.3 open class, CACres

CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse 4BTK / No.4 Best Female

CH Gregarious GeeGee 1-3CHK, ck / no.3 champion class, CACres

Tapre Trultemor 1-2JKK, ck/ no.2 junior class, CACres


(Ola, Lillemor, Trulte & GeeGee)

DBSK Bøsøre, DK

Dommer/judges: Hedd Rickards (50 males) & Astrid Indrebør (82 females)

Ola 2BHK, cert / No.2 Best Male, CAC


Mina Mammajente 1-1AK, ck

* no.1 openclass, CACres

May 26 - 27th.


Spesialutstilling / Speciality

Dommer/judge: Regula Burgi, Switzerland (71males - 100females + 21 puppies)

see more!

Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss BIR / BOB - CH Tiviniro's Black Velvet BIM / BOS



Ola Odelsgutt BIR, CERT & KLubbmester / BOB, CAC & Clubwinner

Ola mottok også Sennettas Sixten's Mindepræmie fra fjoråret's vinner Brabie  Van't Maroyke.

*Ola recieved a spezial prize -given in memory of Sennetas Sixten-from the winner of last year Brabie Van't Maroyke.



Lille Frodo Lommelun



Klubbmester LP2

No.1 championclass

No.2 Best Male

Clubwinner Obedience

Class 2

CH Gulliver Gonzales CK / CACres

Vebjørn Viking 1-2JKK, hp / no.2 juniorclass prize of honour

Risør Ruggen 1-3JKK, hp / no.3 juniorclass, prize of honour

Ugh Ugh Hugo 1JK / 1th.prize juniorclass




Tapre Trultemor

1-1JKK, ck



No.1 Junior

No.2 Best Female


CH Goyubara Geiko 1-2CHKK, ck / no.2 championclass, CACres

CH Enslige Evelina 1-3CHKK, ck / no.3 championclass, CACres

CH Gregarious GeeGee 1-4CHKK, ck / no.4 ckampionclass, CACres

CH Gossine Gatziana upl.CHK, ck / CACres championclass

CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse 1pr. CHK / 1th.prize championclass

Ukita Urschi 1JK / 1th.prize junior

Vår Vilhelmina 1JK / 1th.prize juniorclass

BIR oppdretter (8grupper) / BOB breederclass(8entries)

(Ola, Trulte, Geiko & Frodo)

Wello Wellington nr.4, 4-6mnd /no.4, 4-6mnths(7entries)

Noe av premiene og rosettene etter en fantastisk helg på Geilo!

Some of the prizes after a fantastic weekend at our speciality in Geilo!


May 19th

Club Show , Slovakia

Dommere/judges: Lisbet & Jens Ramsing, DK

Oda O'Zandrina

Club Winner of Slovakia 2007


Best In Show


Tolianna Trustful

Junior Club Winner of Slovakia 2007

National Dogshow, Hassleholm, S

Dommer/judge: Borghild Moen, N(29males - 36females)

Ille Ville Isprinsesse 5BTK / No.5 Best Female

Mina Mammajente 1-4, ck / no.4 open class, CACres

Victor Victorious 2JK / 2nd.Årize junior

May 18th

International Dogshow, Hassleholm, S

Dommer/judge: Johan Andersson, S (30males - 35females)



BIR/BOB CH Macis Zam Mont Morzy-BIM/BOS CH Gregarious Gee



Gragarious GeeGee BIM & CACIB / BOS & CACIB

Ille Ville Isprinsesse 1-3AK / no.3 open class

Mina Mammajente 1-5AK / no.5 openclass

Gulliver Gonzales 5BHK / No.5 Best Male

Victor Victorious 2JK /2nd.prize junior

Nr.2 Oppdr. HP / No.2 Breederclass, prize of honour

May 13th

National Dogshow, Kristiandsand N

Dommer: Eva Borg, S (9males - 14females)

Ola Odelsgutt BIS 2 - CH Schimo's Oye Como Va BIS

BIR/BOB Ola Odelsgutt

BIM/BOS Cafrida's Galactic Gitte Giselle


Ola Odelsgutt


Risør Ruggen 1-1JKK/no.1 junior

Prins Pondus 1-1AUKK/no.1 young dog

Ille Ville Isprinsesse

2BTK/No.2 Best Female

TapreTtrultemor 1-2JKK, hp/no.2 junior Prize of honour

Rikke Rimtusse 2JK/2nd prize junior

BIR / BOB Breeder class


May 12th

International Dogshow, Kristiandsand N

Dommer: Libuse Ubrova, Tsjekkia (17males - 21females)



Ola - Lillemor - Trulte - Geiko


CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse

2BTK resCACIB/NO.2 Best Female CACIBres

CH Goyubara Geiko

3BTK/No.3 Best Female

Tapre Trultemor 1-1JKK, ck/no.1junior CACres

Rikke Rimtusse 1-4JKK/no.4junior

Nobody Like Nanna 2AK/2nd prize opn class

Risør Ruggen 1-1JKK, ck/no.1 junior CACres

Prins Pondus 2AUK / 2nd prize young dog

Ola Odelsgutt 1-4AK, ck/no.4 openclass CACres

BIR/BOB BIS3 Breederclass


April 29th

National Dogshow, Sunndalsøra N

Dommer/judge: Kerstin Einarsson,   (22entries)




BIM / BOS Kaizer Kompis av Hiselfoss - BIR / BOB CH Tiviniro's Black Velvet

Kaizer Kompis BIM & cert / BOS & CAC


National Dogshow, Stange N

Dommer/judge:   (21entries)

Lord Legolas 1AK / 1th.årize open class

Tia Tøysejente 2JK / 2nd.prize junior


International Dogshow, Oldenburg D

Dommer/judge: F. Lorenz, D

Shoeless Sasquatch No.2 youth class CACres, Res.Jugendsieger 2007

National Dogshow, Finland

Dommer/judge: Marjo Jarventola, FIN

Vakre Vene Vanda nr.2 junior / no.2 junior



April 28th

National Dogshow, Stange N

Dommer/judge:  (41entries)

BIR/BOB Touch of Destiny av LeeArmand - BIM/BOS CH Lille Frodo Lommelun av Hiselfoss

CH Lille Frodo Lommelun BIM / BOS

Lord legolas 1-2AK / no.2 open class

Ukita Urschi 1-3hp / no.3 junior prize of honour

Tia Tøysejente 2JK / 2nd.prize junior

April 21th

National Dogshow, FIN

Dommer/judge: Satu Yla-Mononen, FIN

Vakre Vene Vanda nr.1 junior m ck / no.1 junior excl

National Dogshow, S

Dommer/judge: Mickael Forte, IRL

Lille Frodo Lommelun 1-2AK / no.2 open class

Umulige Unni 1-1JKK, ck / no.1 junior excl

Ragna Rekkverk 1-2AUKK, ck / no.2 young dog excl

Mina Mammajente 2AK / 2nd prize open class

Ille Ville Isprinsesse 1AK / 1th prize open class

International Dogshow, N

Dommer/judge: Hassi A M Feyler, DK

Vår Vilhelmina 2JK / 2nd prize junior

April 15th

Lydighet / Obedience

Dommer/judge: Arild Eriksen, N (17entries)

Lille Frodo Lommelun & Tor Arne

Nr.3 m/159p i kl.2 / No.1, 159p in class2

International Dogshow, FIN

Dommer/judge: Elina Haapaniemi, FIN

Goyubara Geiko 1-3CHK, ck / no.3 champion excl

April 14th.

Lydighet / Obedience

Dommer/judge: Marianne Mowe, N

Lille Frodo Lommelun & Tor Arne

Nr.1 m/161p & 1pr i kl.2 / No.1, 161p & 1th prize in class2

April 8th.

International Dogshow, Stockholm S

Dommer/judge: Anna Brankovic, Serbien Montenegro(21males - 28 females)

BIR/BOB CH Bernerdalens Quattro - BIM/BOS CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse av Hiselfoss (foto: Tuula Tuokila)






Ola 4BHK / No.4 Best Male

CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse


Umulige Unni

1-2JKK HP / no.2 junior prize of honour

CH Mina Mammajente

1AK / 1th.prize open class

Morning Joy Memory

1AK / 1th.prize open class

Ola Odelsgutt

4BHK / No.4 Best Male

BIR oppdretter

BOB breeder

Unni 1-2hp / no.2 junior prize of honour

Denne lille nuffen hadde vi også med / We even brought this little newfoundlands

Sheridel Nunavut (Hedda) BIM, cert & CACIB / BOS, CAC & CACIB

eier/owner: Eivor Hofmandselv

March 31th.


Dommer/judge: Andrzej Stepinski, PL

Tola & Robert

Tolianna Trustful

BIR junior / BOB junior

Oda O'Zandrina

nr.2 unghund, ck / no.2 intermediate class, excll

Lydighet kl.2 / Obedience class2

Dommer/judge: Stein Ferangen, N (23 entries)

Lille Frodo Lommelun & Tor Arne Vatsend no.9, 151p


March 24-25th.


Dommer/judge: Fernando Rodrigues, Portugal (18males - 35females)


BIR/BOB CH Sargas av Milkcreek-BIM/BOS CH Ile Ville Isprinsesse av Hiselfoss


Ille Ville Isprinsesse


Nobody Like Nanna

1-4AK CK/no.4 open class CACres

Goyubara Geiko

1-3CHK CK/no.3 champion CACres

Karen Kosejente

1-4CHK CK/no.4champion CACres

Ola Odelsgutt

4BHK/No.4 Best Male


BOB Breeder

(Ola, Lillemor, Geiko & Nanna. Vi stilte ikke i store ringen da vi hadde laaang vei hjem!

*We did not wait o the final because we had a loong way home)


Dommer/judge: Per Kr.Andersen, N (8males - 25females)


BIR/BOB Ola - BIM/BOS Lillemor (handler Linn Wangen)


Ola Odelsgutt BIR cert / BOB CAC

Ille Ville Isprinsesse BIM / BOS

Nobody Like Nanna 2BTK cert / No.2 Best Female CAC


Dommer/judge: Richard Schnur, D

Shoeless Sasquatch no.3 junior, Very Good (10 in the class)

March 18th.


Dommer/judge: Gunnel Holm, FIN

No.1 INT CH Riccaron Gold Fever - No.2 Oda O'Zandrina av Hiselfoss


Oda O'Zandrina No.2 CACIB


NBSK, Letohallen

Dommer/judge: Elina Haapaniemi, FIN(adults; 32males - 35females)

BIR/BOB Pink Robusta av LeeArmand - BIM/BOS Vebjørn Viking av Hiselfoss

BIR/BOB Ola Odelsgut av Hiselfoss- BIM/BOS CH Gossine Gatziana av Hiselfoss

Ola - BIG2

Best In Show 2

Ola Odelsgutt BIR cert BIG2 / BOB CAC & BIG2

Risør Ruggen 3JK /3 prize juniorclass

Gossine Gatziana BIM / BOS

Ille Ville Isprinsesse 2BTK / No.2 Best Female

Tapre Trultemor 1-2JKK hp / no.2 juniorclass prize of honour

Ukita Urschi 1-3JKK / no.3 juniorclass

Enslige Evelina 1-4CHK CK / no.4 champion CACres

BIR oppdretter & Best In Show 2

BOB breeder & Best In Show 2


March 17th.

NDK, Letohallen

Dommer/judge: Rita Reyniers(adults; 25males - 27females)



Vebjørn Viking BIM / BOS

BIR/BOB Pink Robusta av LeeArmand - BIM/BOS Vebjørn Viking av Hiselfoss


Ola Odelsgutt 3BHK m cert / No.3 Best Male CAC

Risør Ruggen 1-2JKK, ck no.2 junior CACres

Goyubara Geiko 3BTK / No.3 Best female

Ille Ville Isprinsesse 4BTK / No.4 Best Female

Tapre Trultemor 1-2JKK, HP / no.2 junior, prize of honour

Enslige Evelina 1pr.CHK / 1th prize championclass

Nr.2 oppdretter, HP / no.2 breeder, prize of honour

Ola - Trulte - Lillemor - Geiko



March 11th.

International Dogshow, LT

Dommer / judge: Jari Laakso, FIN




BOB AmbassadorValasske Slunce - BOS Oda O'Zandrina av Hiselfoss

Oda O'Zandrina BIM, cert & CACIB / BOS, LT CAC & CACIB


Drammen Hundefestival

Valpeshow / Puppyshow

Dommer/judge: Johnny Mathisen, N





Vebjørn Viking BIR / BOB


Lydighet / Obedience

Dommer: , N (22entries)

Lille Frodo Lommelun nr.9 kl.2 / no.9 class 2


March 10th.

Drammen Hundefestival

Lydighet / Obedience

Dommer: Stein Ove Nergaard, N (16entries)

Lille Frodo Lommelun & TorArne Nr.4 kl.2 / No.4, class 2

Valpeshow / Puppyshow

Dommer/judge: Inger Kristiansen, N





Vebjørn Viking BIR/ BOB


March 4th.

Valpeshow / Puppyshow

Dommer/judge: Nina Hamlot, N



Vebjørn Viking


BIR/BOB Vebjørn Viking - BIM/BOS St.Leocoll's "Effie"

February 25th.


Dommer/judge: Jan Herngren, S

Enslige Evelina 1-1CHK, CK, 4BTK / No.1 champion, CACres, No.4 Best Female

Goyubara Geiko 1-2CHK, CK / no.2 champion, CACres

Mina Mammajente 1-5CHK, CK / no.5 champion, CACres

Nobody Like Nanna 1-AUKK, CK / no.2 young dog, CACres

Ola Odelsgutt 1-2AUKK, HP / no.2 young dog, CACres


(Breeder group)

(Lina, Mina, Nanna & Geiko)


February 18th.


Dommer/judge: Gert Christensen, DK

Oda O'Zandrina 1-3AUKK, ck / no.3 young dog, CACres


February 17th.

Norsk Boxerklubb

Dommer/judge: Wenche Eikeseth, N (32adults - 7 puppies)

BIR Vebjørn Viking av Hiselfoss - BIM  Cinnia av Triomar

Lulla Lunekjær 2BTK, cert & CHAMPION

* No.2 Best Female CAC & CHAMPION

BIS2 oppdretter / BIS no.2 breeder

(Frodo - Ola - Lulla - Ille Ville)

Ugh Ugh Hugo 1-3JKK / no.3 junior

Ola Odelsgutt 1-1AUKK, HP / no.1 young dog, prize of honour

 CH Lille Frodo Lommelun 2BHK / No.2 Best Male

Tapre Trultemor 1-1JKK, HP / no.1 junior, prize of honour

Ukita Urschi 1-2JKK, HP / no.2 junior, prize of honour

Lulla Lunekjær 2BTK CERT CHAMPION / No.2 Best Female, CAC & CHAMPION

CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse 3BTK / No.3 Best Female

February 11th.

Åsnes Hundeklubb

Dommer/judge: Ove Germundsson, S (Adults & group)

Dommer/judge: Petter Fogstad, N (Puppies)







Vebjørn Viking BIR & BIG 2 / BOB & BIG 2




Mina Mammajente BIR / BOB

Risør Ruggen 1-1JKK / no.1 junior

Ola Odelsgutt 1-2AUKK hp / no.2 young dog prize of honour

Lord Legolas 1-1AK / no.1 open class

Mr.Kahn McCoon 2AK / 2nd.prize open class

Tia Tøysejente 1-1JKK hp / no.junipr prize of honour

Lulla Lunekjær 1-1AK ck 4BTK / no.1 open class, CACres No.4 Best Female

Mina Mammajente 1CHK, ck 1BTK BIR / no.1 champion, CACres No.1 Best Female BOB

Oppdretterklasse / Breederclass

No.1 & prize of honour


February 10th.

Ølen/Etne Vindafjord Hundeklubb

Dommer/judge: Hans Rosenberg, S

Muntre Mathilde 2BTK / No.2 Best Female

February 4th.

National Dog Show, Rzeszow, Poland

Dommer: Jan Borzymowski

Tobias Talisman BIR / BOB


Dommer: Borghilf Moen, N (24adults - 13pupppies)

Ukita Urschi BIR / BOBpuppy

Lille Frodo Lommelun 3CHK / no.3 championclass

February 4th.


Dommer: Wera HûbentHal , N (25adults - 15puppies)


Ukita Urschi nr.3, 6-9mnd / no.3, 6-9mnths

Lille Frodo Lommelun 3CHK / no.3 championclass

Sennenspesial Sala, S

Dommer: ???

Umulige Unni nr.2, 6-9mnd / no.2, 6-9mnths

January 21th.

Sandefjord Hundeklubb

Dommer/judge: Ina Mari Hagelin, S

Valper / Puppy

(16 BMD puppy, 371 all breed)







Vebjørn Viking BIR, BIG1 & Best In Show3 / BOB, BIG1 & Best In Show 3

BIR Vebjørn Viking - BIM Ukita Urschi


Ukita Urschi BIM / BOS

Tapre Trultemor nr.2, 6-9mnd / no.2 6-9mnths

Tia Tøysejente nr.5, 6-9mnd / no.5, 6-9mnths

Voksne / Adults


Lille Frodo Lommelun 3BHHK / No.3 Best Male

Risør Ruggen 1-2JKK, hp / no.2 junior, prize of honour

Ola Odelsgutt 1-1AUKK, ck / no.1 young dog, CACres

Prins Pondus 1AUK / 1th.prize young dog

Stjerne Senta 2JK / 2nd.prize junior

Rikke Rimtusse 1-2JKK, hp / no.2 junior, prize of honour

Lulla Lunekjær 1-4AK / no.4 open class


January 14th.

Valpeshow / Puppyshow

Dommer/judge: Anne Marit Traaholt

Tia Tøysejente BIR og BIG5 / BOB & BIG5

International DogShow, Germany

Dommer/judge:Christel Fechler, D

Goyubare Geiko 1CHK m cert / no.1 champion CAC

January 5th.


Ola & Gibson (father)

My Dog 2007

International Dog Show, Gøteborg, S

Dommer/judge: Per Svarstad, S

Gossine Gatziana 2BTK, res.CACIB / 2nd.Best Female, CACIBres

Ille Ville Isprinsesse & Mina Mammajente 1AK

Ola Odelsgutt 3BHK / No.3 Best Male


No.1 Oppdrette, HP / Breeder group, prize of honour!

January 4th.

Ola, Lillemor, Gossine & Mina

My Dog 2007

National Dog Show, Gøteborg, S

Dommer/judge: Arne Foss, N

Ola Odelsgutt 2BHK / 2nd.Best Male

Ille Ville Isprinsesse 1-3AK, ck / no.3 open class, exl

Gossine Gatziana 1-4AK, ck /no.4 open class, exl

Mina Mammajente 1AK /1th.prize open class



Nr.1 Oppdretter, hp

No.1 Breeder group, prize of honour!