Nyheter 2010 |
Året 2010
Året 2010 vil vi først og fremst med stor sorg og smerte minnes som det året vi mistet både Lillemor (CH Ille Ville Isprinsesse av Hiselfoss) og Lina (CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss). Begge døde brått og uventet her hjemme uten noe forvarsel, Lillemor 3 november og Lina 24 desember.
I tillegg hadde vi valpefødsel som resulterte i en valp som døde etter fem døgn like før jul, og vår fortispe Fanny (Nobody Like Nanna av Hiselfoss) som døde 25 desember.
Flere andre har også gått bort i løpet av året, men det er dessverre medaljens bakside. Vi er takknemlige til dere som har tatt så godt vare på dem i deres tilmålte tid på jorden - tusen takk!
Vi kan også se tilbake på utrolig flotte resultater i utstillingsringen.
Ola (CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss) ble mestvinnende berner sennen hannhund i Norge for fjerde gang (som den første i historien). Han ble også nr.4 på Bamselisten. Dette er en konkurranse i regi av Norsk Kennel Klubb, og det er NKKs internationale utstillinger som er tellende. Ola deltok på 11 av de totalt 12 utstillingene, og han ble beste hannhund på 10 av disse. Han ble BIR på 9, og videre i den store ringen fikk han 6 x BIG1, 2 x BIS4 og 1 x BIS2. Ingen berner har prestert det samme tidligere i Norge.
Han har også for tredje gang gjort seg fortjent til å motta Min Veslefrikks Ærespris, og får den til odel og eie i henhold til statuttene.
Lina vant stort som veteran også i 2010. Hun ble BIRveteran på samtlige av NBSKs rasespesialer og på alle de 9 internationale utstillingene hun deltok på i Norge. Dette holdt til mestvinnende BS veteran tispe i Norge, nr.4 mestvinnende BS tispe totalt samt nr.6 mestvinnende veteran uansett rase i Norge. På NKKs internationale utstillinger har hun 2 x BIS4, 3 x BIS3 og 1 x BIS2. Lina ble også stilt 4 ganger som veteran i Danmark i løpet av 2010. I Hillerød endte hun opp som BIS2 veteran. På DKKs dobbelutstilling i Herning ble hun BIRveteran begge dager. På lørdag danket hun i tillegg ut nesten 100 påmeldte bernere og ble BIR, mens hun ble 4BTK andre dagen. Ikke dårlig av en dame på 10 år.
Lina var unik - og hennes plass ved siden av senga mi er utrolig tom!
CH Vebjørn Viking av Hiselfoss har blitt INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION
Xtra Xotic av Hiselfoss har blitt FINSK CHAMPION
Yaban Yorokobi av Hiselfoss har blitt NORSK CHAMPION
Fire & Flame av Hiselfoss har blitt CANADISK CHAMPION
I tillegg har mange hunder fra vårt oppdrett oppnådd hederlige resultater både i utstillingsringen, lydighetsringen og sågar har Xn også vist potene sine innen bruks.
Flere av Ola og Vebjørn sine avkom har oppnådd titler i inn og utland - gratulerer til dere også!
Heldigvis er det mange gode minner, og vi har alle stor glede av hundene i hverdagen. Det er tross alt flest hverdager, og det er de som teller i det lange løp. Det hjelper lite med heder og ære om vi ikke klarer å ta vare på de små gledene her i livet. Turer i skog og mark i all slags vær, det å bli møtt av logrende haler når en kommer hjem etc - det er dette som er med på å gi livet mening, og da får vi heller ta utfordringene med på kjøpet.
The year 2010, we will first and foremost with great sorrow and grief, remembered as the year we lost both Lillemor (CH Ille Ville Isprinsessen of Hiselfoss) and Lina (CH Independent Evelina of Hiselfoss). Both died suddenly and unexpectedly at home without any warning, Lillemor November 3rd and Lina on December 24th.
In addition, we had Trulte giving birth of a baby who died after five days just before Christmas, and our girl Fanny (Nobody Like Nanna of Hiselfoss) who died 25 December.
Several others have also passed away during the year, but unfortunately there is reverse of the medal. We are grateful to you who have taken such good care of them in their allotted time on earth - thanks!
We can also look back at the amazing results in the show ring.
Ola (CH Odel Ola Odelsgutt of Hiselfoss) was the most winning Bernese dog in Norway for the fourth time (the first in history). He was also no.4 all breed. This is a competition organized by the Norwegian Kennel Club, and it's NKK international exhibitions that are counted. Ola participated in 11 of the total of 12 exhibitions, and he was best male in 10 of these. He was BOB at 9, and further in the large ring he was 6 x BOG1, 2 x BIS 4 and 1 x BIS2. No BMD has performed the same before in Norway.
He is also the third time deserved to receive Min Veslefrikks Ærespris(Honorary Price), and get it for an inheritance according to the statutes.
Lina won big as a veteran in 2010. She was BOBveteran on all of NBSKs Specialties and in all the 9 international exhibitions she attended in Norway. This kept for the most winning veteran bitch in Norway, no.4 most winning female total BMD and no.6 most winning veteran of whatever breed in Norway. At NKK international exhibitions, she has 2 x BIS 4, 3 x BIS3 and 1 x BIS2. Lina was also entered 4 times as a veteran in Denmark in 2010. In Hillerød she ended up as BIS2 veteran. On DKKs double exhibition in Herning, she was BOBveteran both days. On Saturday, she also outdistanced the nearly 100 participants bernere and BOB, while she was no.4 best female the other day. Not bad for a lady of 10 years.
Lina was unique - and her place beside my bed is very empty!
CH Vebjørn Viking of Hiselfoss has become INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION
Xtra Xotic of Hiselfoss has been FINNISH CHAMPION
Yaban Yorokobi of Hiselfoss has been NORWEGIAN CHAMPION
Fire & Flame of Hiselfoss has been CANADIAN CHAMPION
In addition, many dogs from our breeding achieved honorable results both in the show ring, obedience ring and has even Xn doing some tracking.
Several of Ola and Vebjørn their offspring have achieved titles at home and abroad - congratulations to you too!
Fortunately there are many good memories, and we all have great joy of the dogs in everyday life. After all, most every day, and there are those who count in the long run. It does't help with the glory if we are unable to take care of the little pleasures in life. Tours in the woods in any weather, there to be greeted by wagging tails when you get home, etc - this is what helps to give life meaning, and when we do take the challenges of the deal.
Nå er det disse to frøknene som deler hverdagen hos sammen med Ola. Vesla (Madison av Milkcreek) rakk noen utstillinger i løpet av året, og ble til slutt nr.5 mestvinnende tispe. Hermine, som har Lina og Lillemor som bestemødre, er bare valpen som ennå lever mye på sin valpelisens. Jeg synes jeg ser veldig mye av Lillemor i henne, og det skal bli spennende å se hva det blir ut av henne.
Now it's these two misses sharing everyday life with us, together with Ola. Vesla (
Madison of Milkcreek) did some shows during the year, and ended 5th most winning bitch. Hermine, who has Lina and Lillemor as grandmothers, only puppy and still live much of her puppy license. I think I see a lot of Lillemor in her, and it will be interesting to see how she will develope.
National Dog Show, N
Judge: Per Harald Nymark, N (15+26entries)
CH Ola Odelsgutt
3BHK/No.3 Best Male
Franz Ferdinand
0 JK / O junior (because of the bite)
Madison av Milkcreek
2BTK & cert / No.2 Best Female & CAC
Bare Bianca
1-1AK, ck/no.1 open class, excl
International Dog Show, S
Judge: Grete Bergendahl, N (63entries)
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
Xkumle X-Faktorer
Ragna Rekkverk
Ukraine (The main exhibition)
Grom did well both days, he became no.2(Sunday) and no.3(Saturday)!
Nordic Winner 2010, N
Judges: Kerstin Einarsson, S(45males) & Johan Anderson, S (67females)
BIR/BOS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS Nøklebyåsen's Yenna
CH Ola Odelsgutt
Yaban Yorokobi
4BHK, cert & CHAMPION/No.4 Best Male, CAC & CHAMPION
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
1-5CHK, ck/no.5 champion, excl
Madison av Milkcreek
1-2JKK, ck/no.2 junior, excl
Bitteliten Sydney
1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
Xkumle X-factorer
1AK/1th prize open class
CH Enslige Evelina
BIR veteran/BOB veteran
Kennel Hiselfoss
BIR oppdretter/BOB breeder
(Ola, Yaban, Bentely & Sydney)
Ola Odelsgutt
BIR & BIS4 avl/BOB & BIS4 progency
(Madison av Milkcreek, Nellyvill's Fifty-Fifty, Bentley & Yaban)
All photo: Gudrun Kjøsnes
Inoffisiell utstilling, Arvika (S)
Judge: Carina Olsson, S
Herman's Hermits
BIR valp/BOB puppy
We are so proud of Vebjørn's offsprings;
Nellyvill's Entertain You BOS & Champion - Nellyvill's Easy Joy BOB & Champion
Congratulations Nellyvill - well done!
National Dog Show, Kongsberg Hundeklubb (N)
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth, N (17males - 25females + 15 puppies)
Hermine Hufsetufsa
BIR valp/BOB puppy
Greta Gummigunda
nr.2, 6-9mnd/no.2, 6-9mnths
CH LIlle Frodo Lommelun
2BHK/No.2 Best Male
Franz Ferdinand
1-1JKK(no.1 junior
Don Arax Desperado
1-1AUKK, hp/no.1 interm class, prize of honour
Wello Wellington
1-2AK/no.2 open class
Bedårende Bodil
3BTK/No.3 Best Female
Frekk & Freidig
1-2JKK/no.2 junior
Dela Drømmejente
1-2AUKK, hp/no.2 interm class, prize of honour
Bare Bianca
1-4AK/no.4 open class
Kennel Hiselfoss
BOB breeder
2 x International Dog Show, DK
BIR/BOB CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS CH Tertzo's Kotori
Judge: Michael Leonard, IRL (91entries)
CH Enslige Evelina
BIR & BIR veteran / BOB & BOB veteran
CH Ola Odelsgutt
3BHK / No.3 Best Male
Judge: Natalja Nekrosiene, LIT (80 entries)
CH Enslige Evelina
4BTK & BIR veteran / No.4 Best Female & BOB veteran
CH Ola Odelsgutt
1-2CHK, excl / no.2 champion class, excl
Gudleik Grom BIR valp/BOB puppy |
Finland Galileo Galilei BIM valp/ BOS puppy |
National Dog Show(NDK), N
Judge: Brenda Banbury, GB (41entries + 15puppies)
Hermans Hermits
No.2, 4-6mnths
Hermine Hufsetufsa
No.3, 4-6mnths
Franz Ferdinand
1-3JKK/no.3 junior class
Don Arax Desperado
1-2AUKK, ck/no.2 interm, excl
Dela Drømmejente
1-3AUKK/no.3 interm class
Bedårende Bodil
1AK, ck/excl open class
Bare Bianca
1AK/1th prize open class
JWW-08 NORDJV-08 Xkumle X-Faktorer
2AK/2nd prize open class
National Dog Show(NMK), N
Judge: Rony Doedijns, NL (19males-22females + 18puppies)
Hermine Hufsetufsa
Hermans Hermits
No.2, 4-6mnths
Bedårende Bodil
4BTK/No.4 Best Female
Dela Drømmejente
1-3AUKK/no.3 interm class
Bare Bianca
1AK/1th prize open class
JWW-08 NORDJV-08 Xkumle X-Faktorer
1AK/1th prize open class
Franz Ferdinand
Don Arax Desperado
1-2AUKK, hp/no.2 interm, prize of honour
International Dog Show, Tromsø
Judge: Anita Whitmarch, S
BIR/BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS Nøklebyåsen's X'it |
CH Ola Odelsgutt
BIR, CACIC, BIG & Best In Show
National Dog Show, Tromsø
Judge: Terje Lindstrøm, N
CH Ola Odelsgutt
BIR, BIG & Best In Show 2
International Dogshow, Hamar (N)
Judge:Marja Talvitie, FIN (21males-25females)
Ola - BIG1 |
Lina BIS3 veteran |
CH Ola Odelsgutt
Franz Ferdinand
2JK/2nd prize junior
Yaban Yorokabi
1-3AK/no.3 open class
Risør Ruggen
2AK/2nd prize open class
CH Yo-YO Bentley
1CHK/!th prize champion
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
1-4CHK, ck/no.4 champion, excl
CH Enslige Evelina
4BTK,BIR & BIS3veteran/No.4 Best Female, BOB & Best In Show 3 veteran
Madison av Milkcreek
1-1JKK, ck/no.1 junior, excl
JWW-08 NORDJW-08 Xkumle X-Faktorer
2AK/2nd prize open class
JWW-08 NORDJW-08 Xkumle X-Faktorer
154,5p LP1
Beowulf did great in Michigan the first weekend in October
Heart of Michigan Regional Speciality Show
Judge: Jan Herngren, S
Reserve Winners Dog
Monroe Kennel Club
Judge: Joseph E Gregory
Reserve Winners Dog
Monroe Kennel Club
Judge: Debra Thorton
Winners Dog
Puppy show, NRK
Judge: Aud Fossum, N (90entries all breed)
Hermine Hufsetufsa
BIR, BIG & Best In Show 3 / BOB, BOG & Best In Show 3
Puppy show, Indre Østfold Hundeklubb
Judge: Inger Aspen, N
BIR/BOB Hermans Hermit - BIM/BOS Hermine Hufsetufsa
Speciality, NBSK avd.Buskerud, N
Judge: Espen Engh, N (30males-51females) Palle Møller-Hansen, DK (31puppies)
BIRvalp/BOBpuppy Hermans Hermits av Hiselfoss - BIMvalp/BOSpuppy Hubba Bubba's Olline Ostepop
Hermans Hermits
BIR valp/BOB puppy
Hermine Hufsetufsa
2BTK/No.2 Best Female puppy
Greta Gummigunda
upl 4-6mnd/no placed 4-6mnths
Greie Gudrun
upl 4-6mnd/not placed 4-6mnths
BIR/BOBveteran CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOSveteran Hubba Bubba's Gunde Gullkrage
Madison av Milkcreek
3BTK/No.3 Best Female
CH Enslige Evelina
4BTK & BIRveteran/No.4 Best Female & BOBveteran
CH Ola Odelsgutt
3BHK/No.3 Best Male
Don Arax Desperado
1-3AUKK/no.3 interm class
International Dog Show, Stavanger (N)
Judge: Helge Lie, N (25males-25females)
CH Ola Odelsgutt BIR, BOG1 & Best In Show3
BIR/BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS CH Berner Ranchen's Amusing Alexandria
CH Ola Odelsgutt
BIR, CACIB, BIG1 & Best In Show 4
Don Arax Desperado
4BHK/No.4 Best Male
Risør Ruggen 1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
Wello Wellington
1AK/1th. prize open class
Lord Legolas
1-4AK, ck/no.4 open class, excl
Ugh Ugh'Hugo
1AK/1th. prize open class
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
1-3CHK, ck/no.3 champion, excl
Bedårende Bodil
2BTK, ceert & resCACIB/No.2 Best Female, CAC & resCACIB
Madison av Milkcreek
1-1JKK, ck/no.1 junior, excl
Xkumle X-Faktorer
1-4AK, ck/no.4 open class, excl
CH Enslige Evelina
BIR & BIS3veteran/BOB & Best In Show3 veteran
Kennel Hiselfoss
BIR oppdretter/BOB breeder
National Dog Show, NNK avd.Rogaland
Judge: Adriana Griffa, It
BIS1 CH Ola Odelsguttt av Hiselfoss - BIS2 CH BIkkjehaugen's Kompis - BIS3 ?
CH Ola Odelsgutt
BIR & Best In Show
Don Arax Desperado
4BHK/No.4 Best Male
BIR/BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS Nøklebyåsen's Xit |
BIR/BOBveteran CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOSveteran CH Fanaberner'ns Handsome Hennesy |
pictures: Marianne Beckstrøm
CH Enslige Evelina
2BTK, BIRveteran & BIS2 veteran/No.2 Best Female, BOB & BIS2veteran
Madison av Milkcreek
1-1JKK, ck/no.1 junior, excl
Bedårende Bodil
1-3AK, ck/no.3
open class, excl
Speciality, NBSK avd.Agder (N)
Judge: Maija Heinila, N (18males- 26females + 11puppies)
BIRvalp/BOBpuppy Karociba's Big Boss - BIMvalp/BOSpuppy Greta Gummigunda av Hiselfoss
Greta Gummigunda
BIR & BIS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss
CH Ola Odelsgutt
BIR & Best In Show/BOB & Best In Show
Don Arax Desperado
3BHK & cert/No.3 Best Male & CAC
1-3AUKK/no.3 interm class
Risør Ruggen
1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
BIRveteran/BOB & BISveteran CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss - BIMveteran/BOSveteran Kindy Ex Animo Kendo
CH Enslige Evelina
BIM - BIR & Best In Show veteran/BOS - BOB & Best In Show veteran
Dela Drømmejente
1-2AUKK/no.2 interm class
Bedårende Bodil
1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
Xkumle X-faktorer
1-4AK, ck/no.4 open class, excl
Kennel Hiselfoss
BIR oppdrett/BOB breeder group
Mille & Hermine doing very well in the show ring!
National Dog Show, KSS (N)
Judge: Ligita Zake, LAT (18males-17females + puppies Judge: Liv Muri Ramsjø, N)
Greta Gummigunda
BIM valp
CH Ola Odelsgutt
2BHK/No.2 Best Male
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
4BHK/No.3 Best Male
Risør Ruggen
1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
Madison av Milkcreek
1-1JKK, hp/no.1 junior, prize of honour
National Dog Show, NLK (N)
Judge: Taina Nygård, FIN (18males-15females + 6puppies)
Greta Gummigunda BIR valp/BOB puppy
BIR/BOB CH Lille Frodo Lommelun av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS Madison av Milkcreek
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
CH Ola Odelsgutt
3BHK/No.3 Best Male
Madison av Milkcreek
BIM & cert/BOS & CAC
International Dog Show, Eskilstuna (S)
Judge: Britta Roos-Børjesson, S
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
Bare Bianca
2 x INT Dog Show, N
Sunday, Norwegian Winner 2010
Judge: Svein Helgesen, N (22males-25females)
BIR/BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss (NV-08-09-10)- BIM/BOS CH Kordes Brilliant av LeeArmand (NV-07-08-09-10)
CH Ola Odelsgutt
BIR &NV-10/BOB NW-10
Franz Ferdinand
1-4JKK/no.4 junior
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
1CHK/1th prize champion class
Madison av Milkcreek
1-2JKK, ck/no.2 junior, excl
Bare Bianca
1AK/1th prize open class
Bedårende Bodil
1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
CH Enslige Evelina
No.1 Breeder (Bodil, Lina, Bianca & Ola)
Saturday (Crufts Qualifications)
Judge: Maria Arnelia Taborda, Portugal (22males-31females)
BIR/BOB & BIR/BOBveteran CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss -BIM/BOS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss
CH Enslige Evelina
BIR/BOB & BIR/BOBveteran
Madison av Milkcreek
1-2JKK, ck/no.2 junior, excl
Bare Bianca
1AK/1th prize open class
JWW-08 NORDJW-08 Xkumle X-Faktorer
1AK/1th prize open class
Bedårende Bodil
1-3AK, ck/no.3 open class, excl
CH Ola Odelsgutt
Franz Ferdinand
1-3JKK/no.3 junior
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
1CHK/1th prize champion class
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
1CHK/1th prize champion class
No.1 Breeder (Ola, Lina, Bianca & Bodil)
Bianca |
Bodil |
Some more pictures from a wonderful weekend,even though the ground was a bit muddy. Thanks to Ann-Kristin & Håvard Hansen for all the photos! |
Ola NV-10 |
Bodil |
Nøklebyåsen's Yenna - Madison av Milkcreek |
Speciality, Moelven 2010, N
Judge: Mia Sandgren, S (32males-29females)
BIR/BOBveteran CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOSveteran Kindy Ex Animo Kendo
Madison av Milkcreek cert/CAC
Madison av Milkcreek
2BTK & cert/No.2 Best Female & CAC
CH Enslige Evelina
4BTK & BIRveteran/No.4 Best Female & BOBveteran
Bare Bianca
1-2AK,ck/no.2 open class, excl
CH Ola Odelsgutt
2BHK/No.2 Best Male
Franz Ferdinand
2JK/2nd prize junior
National Dog Show, Moss (N)
Judge: Ing-Marie Hagelin, S
BIR/BOB CH Lille Frodo Lommelun av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS Madison av Milkcreek
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
CH Ola odelsgutt
2BHK/No.2 Best Male
Franz Ferdinand
1-2JKK/no2 junior
Madison av Milkcreek (co-owned by Maija, Kennel Milkcreek)
BIM & cert/BOC & CAC
Bedårende Bodil
2BTK/No.2 Best Female
CH Enslige Evelina
3BTK, BIRveteran & BIS2 veteran/No.3 Best Female, BOBveteran & Best In Show2 veteran
Bare Bianca
1-1AUKK, hp/no1 interm class, prize of honour
Kennel Hiselfoss Best In Show Breeder
National Dog Show, Vålerbanen(N)
Judge: ?
Lord Legolas
3BHK/No.3 Best Male
International Dog Show, Norway
Ola - Best In Show no.2 (Judge: Frank Christiansen)
Judge: (67entries)
CH Enslige Evelina
Madison av Milkcreek
4BTK/No.4 Best Female
Bare Bianca
1AUK/1th.prize open class
Endelig E'Lerke
1-4JKK/no.4 junior class
CH Ola Odelsgutt
1-3CHK, ck/no.3 champion, excl
International Dog Show, N
Judge: Frank Christiansen (48entries)
CH Ola Odelsgutt winner of working group
CH Ola Odelsgutt
CH Kaizer Kompis
2CHK /2nd prize champion
CH Enslige Evelina
BIR veteran
Endelig E'lerke
2JK/2nd prize junior
Madison av Milkcreek
1-1JKK, ck/no.1 junior, excl
Bare Bianca
1-4AUKK/no.4 interm class
Ola's progency group (Madison av Milkcreek - Madde Polaris - Endelig E'lerke av H - Nellyvill's Fifty-Fifty)
World Winner 2010, DK
Judges: Lisbet U.Ramsing, DK(males) & Jan Herngren, S(females)
Don Arax Desperado
1-2interm class & excl
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
very good, champion class
Frekk & Freidig
very good, junior class
Madison av Milkcreek
excl, junior class
CH Enslige Evelina
no.2 veteran, excl
National Dog Show, Rovaniemi, FIN
Judge: Jean Lawless, IRL
Ferro Frimann
Oppdal Hundeklubb, N
Judge: ?
Endelig E'Lerke
1-1JKK, hp/mo.1 junior, prize of honour
Sandefjord Hundeklubb, N
Judge: Per K Andersen
Franz Ferdinand
1-1JKK/no.1 junior
Bare Bianca
1-1AUKK, hp/no.1 interm class, prize of honour
National Dog Show NBSK avd.Bergen og Rogaland, N
Judge: Sonja Gorbould, GB
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
4BHK/No.4 Best Male
Don Arax Desperado
1-1AUKK, hp/no.1 interm class, prize of honour
Wello Wellington
2AK/2nd prize open class
Risør Ruggen
2AK/2nd prize open class
Frekk & Freidig
1-2JKK, ck/no.1 junior, excl
Obedience (unofficial)
Stian m/Dum & Deilig
No.1 - 165p
Stian m/Ugh Ugh'Hugo
No.2 - 160p
Christina m/ Don Arax Desperado
No.6 - 144p
Knut Arne m/Wello Wellington
No. ? - 118p
National Dog Show NBSK avd.Bergen og Rogaland, N
Judge: Ingerid Werhonig, Sw
Risør Ruggen
2BHK/No.2 Best Male
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
3BHK/No.3 Best Male
Don Arax Desperado
1-4AUKK/no.4 interm class
Wello Wellington
1AK/1th.prize open class
Frekk & Freidig
International Dog Show, Avesta, S
Judge: Ligita Zake
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
Judge: Jon G Olsen, N
Xkumle X-faktorer
ØSTFOLDTREFFET 2010, Speciality, N
Judge: Einar Paulsen, DK (24males- 22females - 14puppies)
Madison av Milkcreek (Vesla)
BIR valp /BOB puppy
BIR/BOB Bitteliten Sydney av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS CH Odysseus
Bitteliten Sydney
BIR & cert/BOB & CAC
CH Enslige Evelina
2BTK & BIRveteran/No.2 Best Female & BOBveteran
Bare Bianca
1-2AUKK, ck/no.2 interm class, excl
Bedårende Bodil
1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
JWW-08 NordJV-08 Xkumle X-faktorer
2AK/2nd prize open class
Best Male: Odyesseus - Bentley - Vebjørn - Ola
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
2BHK/No.2 Best Male
CH Vebjørn Viking
3BHK/No.3 Best Male
CH Ola Odelsgutt
4BHK/No.4 Best Male
Franz Ferdinand
2JK/2nd prize junior
Dega Delarenta
3JK/3th prize junior
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
excl CHK/excl champion class
BOB breeder (Vebjørn-Bentley- Lina-Sydney) |
BOB progency Frodo & Lovahagens Fahrenheit-Bianca-Sydney-Bodil |
International Dogshow, Norway
Judge: Helge Werner Hagen, N (28males- 29females)
BIR/BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS & BOB veteran CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss
CH Ola Odelsgutt
Franz Ferdinand
2JK/2nd prize junior
Risør Ruggen
1-4AK/no.4 open class
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
1CHK/1th prize champion
CH Enslige Evelina
BIM, BIR veteran & BIS4 veteran/BOS, BOBveteran & Best In Show4 veteran
Bare Bianca
Best In Show 3 breeder group
(Ola - Lina - Bianca - Bentley)
National Dogshow in Finland
Judge: ?
Ferro Frimann
3BHK & resCAC
Speciality, NBSK, Frya
Judges: Joelle Bardet, Fr & Elisabet Janzon, S
BIR Madison av Milkcreek - BIM Karociba's Big Boss
Franz Ferdinand
1-3JKK, hp/no.3 junior, prize of honour
Dega Delarenta
1-4JKK, hp/ no.4 junior, prize of honour
Don Arax Desperado
1-2JKK, ck/ no.2 junior, excl
Ugh Ugh'Hugo
2AK/2nd prize open class
Risør Ruggen
1AK/1th prize open class
Wello Wellington
2AK/2nd prize open class
Yaban Yorokobi
1AK/1th prize open class
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
1-6CHK, ck/excl champion class
CH Ola Odelsgutt
1-4CHK, ck/no.4 champion, excl
Yo-Yo Bentley
1CHK/1th prize champion
BOB veteran CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss - BOS veteran Kindy Ex Animo Kendo
Frekk & Freidig
1-5JKK, hp/no.5 junior, prize of honour
Frida Frosk
2JKK/2nd prize junior
Bare Bianca
1-2AUKK, ck/no.2 interm class, excl
Xkumle X-faktorer
2AK/2nd prize open class
CH Enslige Evelina
1-1vetk, ck & BIR veteran/no.1 veteran, excl & BOB veteran
CH Goyubara Geiko
1-3vetk, ck/no.3 veteran, excl
Kennel Hiselfoss no.2 breeder group
(Ola, Bianca, Geiko & Evelina)
Lina |
Vesla |
Judge: Arild Bertnsen, N
Klasse 1
Stian m/ Dum & Deilig
Stian m/ Ugh Ugh'Hugo - Klubbmester
Stine m /Xkumle X-faktorer
Inger-Marie m/Bare Bianca
Klasse 2
Tor Arne m/Lille Frodo Lommelun
more info about the results will come!
Kicky (Fire & Flame)
won Best In Sweepstakes
4th at regular cIass from 9-12mons!
Tor Arne & Frodo 170,5p and no.3 in class 2
H-litter is born - one boy and one girl.
More info later!
Speciality, NBSK avd.Øvre Romerike,N
Judge: Leif Herman Wilberg, N (32males - 43females + 7 puppies)
4 x |
4 x |
BIS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIS2 CH Newcard's On Cloud Nine - BIS3 Millimeter av Bjerkhaug
BOB & BIS puppy Madison av Milkcreek - BOS puppy Cafrida's Olympic Onslow Ohio
BOB & BIS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BOS Bernerdalen's Double Pink
Ch Ola Odelsgutt
Franx Ferdinand
1-2JKK, hp/no.2 junior, prize of honour
Don Arax Desperado
1JK/1th.prize junio
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
1-4CHK, ck/no.4 champion, excl
CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss BOB & BIS veteran
CH Enslige Evelina
3BTK & BIR veteran / No.3 Best Female & BOB veteran
Bare Bianca
4BTK / No.4 Best Female
JWW-08 NORDJW-08 Xkumle X-Faktorer
2AK/2nd prize open class
BIR & BIS oppdretter - BOB & BIS Breeder
(Ola - Bianca - Lina - Bentley)
International Dog Show, Norway
Judge: , S (19males - 19females)
BIR/BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS CH Enslige Evelina av Hisekfoss
CH Ola Odelsgutt
BIR/BOB & Winner of group2
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
2BHK & resCACIB/No.2 Best Male & resCACIB
Don Arax Desperado
1-1JKK, ck/no.1 junior, excl
Franz Ferdinand
2JK/2nd prize junior
Risør Ruggen
2AK/2nd prize open class
Wello Wellington
1- 4AK/no.4 open class
Yaban Yorokabi
1AK/1th. prize open class
Ugh Ugh'Hugo
1AK/1th prize open class
CH Enslige Evelina
BIM & BIRveteran/BOS & BOBveteran and Best In Show2 veteran
Bare Bianca
3BTK & resCACIB/No.3 Best Female & resCACIB
Frekk & Freidig
KIP because of limping
Dela Drømmejente
2JK/2nd prize junior
Bedårende Bodil
1-2AUKK, hp/no.2 interm class, prize of honour
JWW-08 NORDJV-08 Xkumle X-Faktorer
2AK/2nd prize open class
125,5p obedience class1
Kennel Hiselfoss
BIR & Best In Show oppdretter/BOB & Best In Showbreeder group
National Dog Show, N
Judge: Carsten Birk, DK (11males - 13females + 8puppies)
Madison av Milkcreek BIR/BOB & Best In Show puppy
BIR/BOB CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss
CH Ola Odelsgutt
Don Arax Desperado
2BHK & cert/No.2 Best Male & CAC
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
Ola -Arax - Bentley - Citahagen's Nero Christmas Morning
Dega Delarenta
1-3JKK/no.3 junior
Franz Ferdinand
2JK/2nd prize junior
Risør Ruggen
1-3AK/no.3 open class
CH Enslige Evelina
BIM & BIRveteran/BOS & BOBveteran and Best In Show veteran
Bare Bianca
3BTK/No.3 Best Female
Frekk & Freidig
1-3JKK/no.3 junior
Dela Drømmejente
2JK/2nd prize junior
JWW-08 NORDJV-08 Xkumle X-Faktorer
1-4AK/no.4 open class
Kennel Hiselfoss
BIR oppdretter/BOB breeder group
Lars & Lina
International Dog Show, Denmark
Judge: Nils Molin, S (30males - 43females)
BIR/BOB CH Kronblomman Desdemona - BIM/BOS CH Vebjørn Viking av Hiselfoss
CH Vebjørn Viking
CH Enslige Evelina
4BTK, BIR & BIS2 veteran / No.4 Best Female, BOB & BIS2 veteran
Best In Show 2veteran CH Enslige Evelina |
Fire & Flame av Hiselfoss
Congratulations Sachiko & Masaaki, and thank you the handler Bonnie
National Dog Shows, N
Dommer: Colette Muldoon, IRL(Saturday) & Eva Eriksson, S (Sunday)
CH Kaizer Kompis
4BHK & 2BHK / No.4 & no.2 Best Male
Xerxes Xavier
2 pr & 4BHK / 2nd Prize & No.4 Best Male
Endelig E'Lerke
1-3JKK & 1-2JKK m/HP / no.3 and no.2 junior, Prize of honour
NWC, Stangehallen
Dommer: John Jackobsen, N
Bianca & Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand
1-3JKK/no.3 junior
Bare Bianca
1-3AUKK, HP/no.3 interm class, prize of honour
Xkumle X-faktorer
1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
International Dog Show, N
Judge: Eivor Hofmandselv, N (59entries)
BIR/BOB CH OLa Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS Nellyvill's Easy Joy
CH Ola Odelsgutt
CH Enslige Evelina
2BTK, BIR veteran & BIS3 veteran/No.2 Best Female, BOB & Best In Show veteran no.3
Bedårende Bodil
1-2AUKK, ck/no.2 inetm class, excl
National Dog Show, N
Judge: Irene Donne, N
BIR/BOB & BIR veteran/BOBveteran CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss
CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss
Bedårende Bodil
1-2AUKK, hp/no.2 interm class & prize of honour
CH OLa Odelsgutt
In both breeds the veterans did well and became BOB. Lars ended up as Best In Show, and Lina was Best In Show 2!
Well done oldies!
Madison av Milkcreek
Takk til Nina Bliss & Gudrun Kjøsnes for bildene! Thank you Gudrun and Nina for the pictures!
Kicky (Fire & Flame av Hiselfoss) did real great this weekend.
Best in Show puppy both days, and she also tokk 3th and 2nd in the group!
Puppy Show, FIN
Ferro Frimann
BIR valp/BOB puppy
International Dog Show, FIN
Judge: Satu Yla-Mononen, FIN
BIR/BOB Goldbear's Q - BIM/BOS CH Yo-Yo Bentley av Hiselfoss
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
CH Vakre Vene Vanda
excl CHK/champion class
Puppy Show
Judge: Inger Dahle, N (7BMDs)
BIR/BOB & BIGres Madison av Milkcreek - BIM/BOS Nkølebyåsen's Æillert
BIR & BIGres/BOB & BIGres
Frida Frosk
no.3, 6-9mnths
Puppy Show
Judge: Eivor Hofmandselv, N (3BMDs)
BIR/BOB & BIG4 Ronja Rakkestad av Milkcreek - BIM/BOS Franz Ferdinand av Hiselfoss
Franz Ferdinand
International Dog Show, N
Judge: Uscher E,
CH Enslige Evelina BIR & BIS4 veteran/BOB & BIS4 veteran
CH Yo-Yo Betley
2BHK & resCACIB/No.2 Best Male & resCACIB
CH Ola Odelsgutt
1-3CHK/no.3 champion class
Wello Wellington
2AK/2nd prize open class
Yaban Yorokabi
2AK/2nd prize open class
Ugh Ugh'Hugo
2AK/2nd prize open class
CH Tapre Trultemor
3BTK/No.3 Best Female
CH Enslige Evelina
BIR & Best In Show 4/BOB & No.4 Best In Show veteran
Bare Bianca
1-4AUKK/no.4 interm class
Bedårende Bodil
1AUK/1th prize interm class
Unofficial Dog Show, DK
Judge: ?, NL (157 dogs, all breeds)
Ber-Moscow's Object Oslo
BIR & BIG1 & Best In Show - gratulerer Lone!
BOB & BIG1 & Best In Show - congratulation Lone!
Oda (søster)ble nr.1 i unghundklassen
Oda (sister) was no.1 interm class
Oslo with proud owner and the judges!
National Dog Show, Ølen og Etne Hundeklubb
Judge: ?
Frekk & Freidig
BIR & BIG4 valp/BOB & BOG4 puppy
BIM/BOS CH Yo-Yo Bentley av HIselfoss - BIR/BOB CH Bernerranchen's Amusing Alexandra
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
Ugh Ugh'Hugo
1-2AK, ck/no.2 open class, excl
Wello Wellington
1ak/1th prize open class
Natonal Dog Show, NBK
Judge: Astid Indrebø, N
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
2BHK/No.2 Best Male
Regional Dog Show,Japan
Fia Felicia
BIR valp / BOB puppy
National Dog Show, N
Judge: ??, S
Franz Ferdinand
BIR valp / BOB puppy
Bare Bianca
2AUK / 2nd prize interm class
INT Dog Show, DK
Judge: Eva Rautala, FIN
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
excl champion class
NSBK, Exporama
Judges: Michael Leonar, IRL (breed & group), Anikka Ultveit-Moe, S(Best In Show)
Madison - BIG 2nd |
Lina - Best In Show veteran |
CH Enslige Evelina
BIR & BIG og BIR veteran & Best In Show veteran
Bedårende Bodil
Bare Bianca
CH Ola Odelsgutt
Madison av Milkcreek
BI & BIG2 / BOB & BIG 2nd
Franz Ferdinand
no.2, 6-9mnths
BIR/BOB Madison av Milkcreek - BIM/BOS Nellyvill's Fifty-Fifty (both Ola's offsprins)
Puppy Show, Follo Hundeklubb
Judge: Anne Marit Trøbråten, N (87entries all together)
Madison av Milkcreek
Frida Frosk
2 x National Dog Show, N
Judge: Ann Rode, S (69entries + 14puppies)
BIR/BOB Nøklebyåsens Yenna - BIM/BOS CH Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss
CH Ola Odelsgutt
Don Arax
2JK/2nd.prize, junior
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
1-4CHK, ck/no.4 champion, excl
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
upl CHK, ck/not placed champion class, excl
Best In Show veteran - CH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss
Ch Tapre Trultemor
2BTK/No.2 Best Female
CH Enslige Evelina
4BTK,BIR veteran & Best In Show veteran/No.4 Best FemaleBOB veteran & Best In Show veteran
Bare Bianca
3JK/3th prize junior
Bedårende Bodil
1-1AUKK, hp/no.1 intermediate class, prize of honour
JWW-08 NORDJW-08 Xkumle X-faktorer
2AK/2nd prize open class
BIR & BIS opdretter / BOB & Best In Show Breeder class - Trulte, Ola, Bentley & Frodo
Fridjof Fjott, no.2, 6-9mnths
Franz Ferdinand, no.3, 6-9mnths
Madison av Milkcreek, no.2, 4-6mnths
Frekk & Freidig 2BTK/No.2 Best Female
Frida Frosk, no.?, 6-9mnths
Saturday, NDK
Judge: Diogo Ramalho, Portugal ( 39entries + 8puppies)
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
4BHK/No.4 Best Male
CH Ola Odelsgutt
1-3CHK, ck/no.3 champion, excl
Don Arax
1-3JKK/no.3 junior
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun
upl CHK/not placed champion class
Ch Tapre Trultemor
2BTK/No.2 Best Female
CH Enslige Evelina
BIR veteran & Best In Show2 veteran/BOB veteran & Best In Show2 veteran
Bedårende Bodil
1-4AUKK/no.4 intermediate class
JWW-08 NORDJW-08 Xkumle X-faktorer
1-3AK/no.3 open class
Kennel Hiselfoss
BIR oppdr & Best In Show3/BOB breeder group & Best In Show3
BIR/BOB Frekk & Freidig av Hiselfoss - BIM/BOS Nellyvill's Fifty-Fifty
Frekk & Freidig
Madison av Milkcreek
no.3, 4-6mnths
9th. January
Int Dog Show, FIN
Judge: Kresten Scheel, DK (54 entries)
BIR/BOB CH Drosselbart Atelier - BIM/BOS CH Xtra Xotic av Hiselfoss
Xtra Xotic
Picture will come
7-8th. January
My Dog 2010, Sweden
Judges: ? (Thursday) & Leif Ragnar Hjort, N (Friday)
CH Yo-Yo Bentley
JWW-08 NORDJW-08 Xkumle X-faktorer
1-4AK/no.4 open class
BIR/BOB CH Kordes Brilliant av LeeArmand - BIM/BOS CH Yo-Yo Bentley av Hiselfoss
Thursday: Bentley was no.5 in champion class, and Xn got a first prize in open class
Ola, Lillemor og Lina ønsker dere all et riktig godt nytt år - Vesla forsvant ut av bildet!
*Ola, Lillemor and Lina wish you all a happy new year - Vesla disappeared out of view!