Xøte Xivah
b.12.11.2017 - d.27.09.2021
HD B/C AA prel E/short radius
(CH Starry Town I'm Break'n News Nellyv - NJV15 NORDJV15 CH Ramona av Hiselfoss)
Xivah måtte dessverre avlives 27.september 2021.
Hun hadde store forkalkninger i knær og hofte, samt avrevet korsbånd.
Ortoped konkluderte med at operasjon hadde dårlige prognoser.
Best In Show puppy
Judge: Joakim Ohlsson, S
Xivah & Sissel at their first puppy show, ended up BOB puppy |
March 2018
Easter 2018 - together with Raya
Xivah and Raya enjoying the snow
Xøte Xivah has moved in with Sven and Sissel at Lillehammer. She will also have Queeni Raya av Hiselfoss to play with.