N-litter av Hiselfoss
b. 21.01.2013
(CH Nøklebyåsen's Ådne - CH Bedårende Bodil av Hiselfoss)
Ådne, 17mnths old |
Bodil, two years old |
N DKuch Nøklebyåsen's Ådne Born 2011 |
MultiCH MultiW Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss Born 2005/living
MultiCH MultiW Zandrina's Gibson AOD 9years |
MultiCH Ille Ville Isprinsesse av Hiselfoss AOD 8years |
CH Nøklebyåsen's X-it Born 2008/living |
MultiCH Zanzebern Defender Born 2004/living |
Greta Garbo av Hiselfoss AOD 8years |
CH Bedårende Bodil av Hiselfoss Born 2011 |
CH Lille Frodo Lommelun av Hiselfoss AOD 7years |
CH Honey Mix Bravo AOD 11years |
Hanna Hottentott av Hiselfoss AOD 9+years |
MultiCH Enslige Evelina av Hiselfoss AOD 10years |
MultiCH MultiW Sennetta's Sixten AOD 7years |
MultiCH Be My Baby av Hiselfoss AOD 13,6years |
8 weeks
Nei Nei Nanuk - Nokså Norsk - Nysgjerige Nils - Noldus - Nina Nugatti - North Tango
Noldus (Basse) and Nokså Norsk (Hen) have already gone to their new homes, and Tango will go to Moscow tomorrow. Nils is going to stay another week because Agnete and Robert had booked a weekend trip in the weekend. Nina will stay with us another three weeks because her new owners are going to the sun and warm for a week in Easter. We hope we have a nice home for Nanuk in a few days too - he is lovely. I would love to keep him her by myself, but my husband says no! I don't know why? Maybe he thinks we have enough dogs? I guess so.
Bodil went home to Gro yesterday (Bodil does not live with us all the time). I really missed her this morning - for the first time I had to clean up after the puppies by myself. Bodil has taken very well care of the puppies all the time. From now it is all up to dad and the other dogs. By the way, he became Norwegian and Danish Beauty Champion last Saturday. It was he first time in open class and he did great. His sister Ålga Med Å recieved her CAC too. Well done beautiful sister and brother!
You and me - dad!
Nina Nugatti |
Nokså Norsk |
Nei Nei Nanuk |
Noldus |
North Tango |
Nysgjerrige Nils |
7 weeks
We just love to be outside, but the breeder says we have to stay inside in the evenings and trough the nights. It's OK by us, because at that time we sleep a lot, so it doesn't really matter. It is very cold outside in the nights, but it is lovely sunshine in the daytime.
We have one female (Nina), and one male (Nanuk) for sale!
En tispe (Nina) og hannhund (Nanuk) er til salgs!
Nina Nugatti
Nokså Norsk
Nei Nei Nanuk
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North Tango
Nysgjerrige Nils
6 weeks
I am back to work a few hours every week day. The puppies spend that time outside at the porch, very well taken care of by their mum and dad! The rest of the time they run around - outside inside - together with the other dogs. When the nights come, they sleep all night trough -I do think they get some milk during the night though. Anyway, Bodil still clean the puppy pen, so it's no big problem for me in the mornings ;) Girl no.1 is five kilos, and the rest are 6kilos+.
I did my best with the handling during the photo session, but because my arm is still not good the puppies have not get that much training to stand nice!
Female 1
Female 2
Male 1
Male 2
Male 3
Male 4
The puppies were outside today for the first time, and I took some nice pictures that I want to share! It's not any pictures of male no.2, but I will do him tomorrow!
Female 2
Male 1
Male 3
Male 4
5 weeks
Puppies available!
Today the puppies have got their first bath, and it was nice - they smell a lot better now. The are eating both fresh meat and ProPlandry food, but mums milk are still their favourite. I have open the puppy pen out in the kitchen. The other dogs do some baby sitting!
Lilli babysits as well!
Female1 - she is smaller than the others, but she does not mind at all. Very sweet face and expression, and long coat.
Female 2 - is a bit white behind the mouth, but not something that I would mind. She is a very nice and happy girl!
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Male 1 - he is also a bit white behind the mouth, and he has a white spot in the neck which I think will disappear (most of it). He has very good angulations and good bone. Normal coat!
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Male 2 - the smallest boy and not for show. He has too much white in his face, but excpt from that very nice markings.He has very long coat,and is sooo sweet!
Male 3 - has a beautiful head with very nice expression. Heavy bone and good angulations. Good coat.
Male 4 - has correct markings all over. Not as heavy as no.3, but a lot of attitude! Very nice proportions and angulations.
Bodil takes some time off from her children out in the beautiful weather. At this picture she reminds me a lot of her mother Evelina!
4 weeks
The puppies are growing and doing well. Ther are served fresh meat several three times a day, and they do appreciate! Mum Bodil ensures that the milk are available around the clock, nd that the puppy pen is in perfect order. In addition to this and some cuddle, the puppies don't ask for more yet. They still sleep most of the time - beauty sleep!
Female 1 |
Female 2 |
Male 1 |
Male 2 |
Male 3 |
Male 4 |
3 weeks
The N-litter has moved into the kitchen where they have had their first meeting with dad, grand father and their aunts. The puppies eat fresch meat three times every day and they have had their first treament for worms. Nothing to see afterwards, and that was good. It is not that much more to say, because they still sleep most of the time. I guess it will be more actiona in a while.
Tonight I will move back into my bed!
Female 1 |
Female 2 |
Male 1 |
Male 2 |
Male 3 |
Male 4 |
1 week
Bodil was tired and a bit characterized from the caesarean section, so it tokk some days before her milk production wasproperly started. This made the puppies lost some weights the first days, but now it has turned and seems to go in the right direction. I always get concerned when things donot go by the book, even though I have been gone for this before too. The puppies seem to be satisfied, and that is what matters!
Female 1 |
Female 2 |
Male 1 |
Male 2 |
Male 3 |
Male 4 |
Ådne and Bodil puppies were born Monday 21th.January at Fredikstad Veterinary Hospital. Everything went as it should untill the pressure contractions started. After a little while we could feel the puppy's nose, but because of wrong position - he was looking at the moon - we had to give up on natural birth. We had tried most opportunities for three hours. Bodil had great contractionsl, we tried to turn the puppy, we tried to drag him out but it was not possible to move him at all. We realized that we had to do cesarean, and out came six very lively puppies. We are so happy that everyone survived. One female is slightly smaller than the others, but it does not seem to bother her at all. They have plenty of white markings, but we know from experience that a lot of this is lost with time.
Thank you very much to Bodil's "mum" Gro who gave me a helping hand all day - I needed it for sure!
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The stab in Fredrikstad.
As you can see, I am not the only one useful arm this days!
Female 1 |
Female 2 |
Male 1 |
Male 2 |
Male 3 |
Male 4 |