Iver Iceman av Hiselfoss
HD A/A AA 0/0
OCD negative DM negative
f.01.03.2011 - d.16.11.2020 / died suddenly
(CH Tertzo's Kotori - Rikke Rimtusse av Hiselfoss)
No.1 Dog of the year 2012 in Slovak Club
Iver the week before he died, going for a bath. After this he could eat or get up for three days, and he died.
Just a few weeks later he became dad to eleven puppies.
Iver was very well taken careof and loved for 10years and 8months.
May 2020
July 2013
Two years old working dog!
New Slovakian Champion
Iver takes Best Male with CAC and CACIB in Bratislava (August 2012)
June 2012
7mnths old
Iver is very relaxed in Tsjekkia - 10 weeks old!
8 weeks old